A new me!

The last couple of years I have been on an amazing journey. One of transforming thoughts and incredible freedom.

Today I understand and appreciate the depths of Christ's love for me more than I ever imagined possible. Several years ago after hearing Chris Tomlin's song, "Here I am to worship" sung in church I was faced with the true impacts of my choices. The lyrics "I'll never know how much it cost to see my sin upon that cross" sent a flood of conviction through my soul. I began to really look at those areas within me that I needed to address and change.

The process was difficult.

There were things I had to share with friends and family that had me convinced I would be rejected by everyone. But the thought of disobeying God's call to trust him far outweighed my fears. I mustered up the courage I needed and began what has become the greatest joys I have to-date experienced.

I was transformed from the inside into a trusting and obeying child who finally understood and accepted the depth of Christ's love for me. As I reveled in Christ's love I began to see me through his eyes which led me to think about how I was taking care of what had been given to me. I realized I was doing a very poor job. Everything I did was out of a sense of what's the point. At the core I just did not care! And so I began a journey towards caring about what I was eating, thinking, reading, watching and saying. I found it easier to turn away from the wrong things when I began to care about the impacts of my choices. The boundaries have become a natural part of me allowing me to more quickly recognize when something is out of balance with my choices. I don't always make the right choices but I do more often than I don't and my whole family benefits as a result.

Perhaps you are at your own crossroads.  Don't get overwhelmed by all you would like to change.  Start small.  Pick one thing to change and stick with it for a few weeks slowly adding any other area over time.  Before you know it you'll be looking back and wondering why you ever thought it was going to be difficult to change.


  1. MarLo- Wonderul column. Yes, we tend to see what is outside and let go of what truly matters inside. We focus on the external not the internal.

    And though both are imprtant to God, after all, our bodies are a gift form Him and we do need to care for them as such. But what is inside transforms what is outside, and not vice versa.

    If we are beautiful on the inside in Christ's eyes, we move towards beauty on the outside in His eyes. But if we are beautiful on the outside only, that does not transform out inner beauty whatsoever.

    Love the pictures. I appreciate the skin care dilemma. My 13 year old went through a terrible summer of acen last summer, horrible acne. We finally got her with a fantastic dermatologist and it is all but gone. She has a very regimented skin care routine, and it does work.

    So what is the skin care you are using? You look amazing!

    Blessings to you, my friend.


  2. I use Rodan + Fields (thanks Cheri and Robin!) Drs Rodan and Fields are the same dermatologists that created Proactiv. They are doing for sun damage and aging what they have done with acne. Check out my site on www.marlohuffington.myrandf.com


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