Thanksgiving Miracle
Welcome to those visiting from Hearts at Home! I would love to know you stopped by. Leave me any comment, even to say "hi" and I'll put you in my drawing to win Jill's newest book, "Real Moms, Real Jesus." For those of you who are reading my blog today and aren't familiar with Hearts you can learn more about this wonderful organization for moms by clicking here . You may also wonder why I'm talking about Thanksgiving on November 5! Well, today this article is being featured on the Hearts at Home blog so I wanted to share it with you as well! Have a blessed Thursday! How often do we think of miracles during Thanksgiving? Aren’t they typically associated with Christmas? Twelve years into our marriage my husband and I decided to take a leap of faith and add to our family. The decision took so long because it required infertility treatments. We said yes though we still didn’t know how we would pay for it and we had less than a thirty percent chance for s...