BOOK REVIEW: Embracing Your Second Calling by Dale Bourke

Embracing Your Second Calling is based on two of the values I have always believed women ultimately strive towards—feeling valued and leaving a lasting legacy. Author Dale Hanson Bourke found striking similarities between her life and that of Naomi from the book of Ruth in the Old Testament in that they were both "second-half-of-life" women. By that Dale means they were both in unique positions in life to be used by God to "completely change our world." According to Dale, women in this time of their lives view who they are and what they have to offer from a very different filter—God's.

This book is not just for those who are empty-nester’s, perhaps retired, or enjoying mid-life, this book is for every woman who wants to more fully identify what she should be doing. In fact, Dale believes we have more to offer after we tire of chasing our own desires and more fully embrace God’s desires for us. One of my favorite quotes from the book is this, “What He is calling us to will be so much more than anything He is calling us from.”

If you’re wondering how to get less of your dreams and more of His in your life then this book is the means to help get you there. Dale uses stories from her own life, others she’s met along the way and the story of Naomi to help women connect their own lives and the potential God still has in the works. 


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